The Pros of a Self-Funded Benefits Program

Self-Funding isn’t scary when you have the right people advising your program.


It’s all in the numbers:

  • Health care costs are now about 17.9% of GDP in the U.S – EBRI

  • According to a 2000 report by the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI), approximately 50 million workers and their dependents receive benefits through self-insured group health plans sponsored by their employers.

  • In 2016, 40.7% of private-sector employers reported that they self-insured at least one of their health plans, up from 29.7% in 2000, the Employee Benefit Research Institute reported in February 2018.

  • 61% of covered workers, including 13% of covered workers in small firms and 81% in large firms, are enrolled in plans that are either partially or completely self-funded. – Kaiser Family Foundation Research.

  • Covered workers in firms that are partially or completely self-funded on average have lower contribution rates for family coverage than workers in firms that are fully-insured (25% vs. 36%). – Kaiser Family Foundation Research.